Spider Control Adelaide

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Spiders are everywhere

Spiders are often seen around South Australian homes and businesses… and give us a scare in the process! Some spiders can pose a real threat to humans, as well as being harmful to your pets too. The most common spiders that we at Greens Environmental Pest Services regularly deal with include the Redback, Black House, Huntsman, and White-tailed spiders.

It’s good to know about the behaviour and potential hazards posed by these spiders so the appropriate measures for spider pest control in Adelaide can be tailored to your situation.

Redback Spiders

Redback spiders are well known for their venomous bites in South Australia, which causes intense pain, nausea, sweating, muscle twitching and breathing difficulties. But in some rare instances, a Redback bite could even result in more severe complications, depending on the individual. Bites from Redbacks usually occur outside when accidental contact is made with the spider hiding in its web. These webs are irregularly shaped, sticky, and usually situated near the ground level which helps us to identify and locate. Redback spiders prefer dry, secluded spots such as under logs and rocks, in and around pot plants, or in the corners of man-made structures.


Black House spiders

Although not as venomous as Redbacks, Black House spider bites can still cause localized pain and discomfort, and in some cases nausea, vomiting, sweating and light headedness. And if you’ve been bitten multiple times in the same area skin lesions can develop. Black House spiders construct untidy and “abandoned” looking webs with funnel-like entrances in crevices around your premises, such as fence panelling, windows, doorways, and gardens. These distinctive webs help us with locating and identifying these spiders.

Eliminating their webs and reducing clutter on your property can help reduce the numbers of Black House spiders around your property, however a professionally applied broad-spectrum external pesticide spray gets the best results in the long run.


Huntsman Spiders

Despite their intimidating appearance, huntsman spiders are typically non-venomous but a bite from these strong spiders can cause short term pain, and possibly some swelling, itchiness, and inflammation. Huntsmen aren’t usually aggressive, but they may resort to a defensive stance and attack when provoked. They are very adaptable at finding hiding places in and around the home but huntsmen spiders are usually found outdoors living under loose bark on trees, in crevices on rock walls and in logs, under rocks and slabs of bark on the ground, and on foliage.

Whilst looking for food, huntsman spiders will often find their way into your home, especially during the warmer months to get away from the summer heat, squeezing through gaps under doors and windows… and often appearing out of nowhere!

It can be challenging to effectively treat for huntsman spiders due to their wandering behaviour and lack of a fixed hiding spot. However, since they tend to hang around homes in search of food such as other smaller spiders, applying a professional spider pest treatment to the exterior of the house will help remove the food source, which in turn reduces the huntsman spiders.


White-tailed Spider

Often referred to as “flesh eating” spiders, recent findings have found that it is in fact a myth that white-tailed spider bites cause skin ulcerations that then become necrotic. Although not aggressive, if bitten by a white-tailed spider the symptoms are similar to a bee sting, which includes localized pain, redness, and itching. In rarer cases more extreme symptoms can include severe pain, headaches, sickness, nausea, and vomiting.

They like to hide beneath bark, rocks, plant litter, in gardens and within tight spaces inside of homes, and are commonly discovered in concealed and dim areas.


How Greens Pest Control can help you

The first step in spider control is to call us and arrange for a Greens professional pest inspection so we can identify your spider problem and recommend which spider pest control method is best for your situation and help avoid future occurrences. As outlined above, different spider species live in different places so our treatments will be conducted accordingly.

If you believe you have issues with spider control in Adelaide, get in touch today to book a pest control inspection and we’ll help you determine the best course of action to take.

To request a quote or to make a booking for your pest inspection and rodent control, please contact us today.

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